10 Historic Monuments Which are Fading Away

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 21:24 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: The historic monuments around the world speak volumes about the past and the inherited culture that existed during that time. However there are few heritage which are on the verge of fading away its importance and the World Monuments Fund, which is a private, international, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic architecture around the world, have listed few such monuments. Let's get a sneak peek at 10 monuments which are grossly at risk. 1. Royal Opera House, Mumbai,India
Royal Opera House
Royal Opera House, also known as Opera House in Mumbai is India's only surviving opera house. The name 'Royal' got prefixed to 'opera house' as its foundation stone was laid during the British Raj in 1909 and King George V inaugurated the building in 1911 while the building was still under construction. But it was completed in 1912. With cinematography getting popular in the early 1930s, the opera house was modified for screening films and holding fashion shows. Now, only a generation later, there is little awareness of its history and significance, seemingly a faded jewel. Continuing neglect will destine the building for ruin. A decline in cultural importance led to the building's decay.

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