10 Apps that Apple Blows With iOS 5

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 23:04 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Apple iOS 5 is available with more than 200 new features and it's really interesting to see that its certain features will essentially lead many other users to delete third party apps that existed prior to iOS 5, provided certain functionality that is now part of the operating system itself. Here are such 10 third party apps which are killed by Apples new iOS 5. 1. Instapaper and Read It Later
Apple introduced a new Reading List feature to Mobile Safari with iOS 5, allowing users to save a page for later reading with just a tap. The popular Instapaper and Read It Later apps work under a very similar concept. The new Safari has a feature that enables you to add the web page you are currently viewing to the Reader section which also syncs across all devices you own.

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