007 Legacy Cars

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 21 January 2012, 01:13 IST
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Bangalore: Bond cars have fascinated us since childhood. Never would have imagined that this 50 years of legacy will come into reality, but National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, southern England, showcased few of Bond's best cars. Let's have a look at them!
Ice Dragster
Ice Dragster An Ice Dragster is from James Bond's film "Die Another Day". Bond appears in Iceland in search of villain Gustav Graves keeping pace with the ice in this dragster. Later, the dragster helps Bond to flee from ice-palace avoiding the beam of Icarus following him across the ice. Being the world's first ice dragster, it was especially built for the movie with the help of yatch hull, outriggers and jet engines, with 324 mph speed. The car was displayed at the opening of the Bond in Motion: 50 vehicles 50 Years exhibition at the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, southern England January 15, 2012.

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