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Advice Request
Shruti Wahi
Shruti Wahi

Shruti Wahi

Sr Mgr BD at HT Syndication

HT Media Ltd.


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am very fortunate to born to a family that values education. My father is a retired Power Grid employee, mother a working scientist in AIIMS. Then, after marriage, I am happy to be a part of a family that also follows the similar philosophy.My husband is a manager in Johnson Controls.
Plans For The Future:
Want to contribute towards whatever I do. When I lead a department, people under me should have a work-friendly environment.Should be happy to work and feel free to give their ideas. I would like to be remembered as a friendly Boss rather like the one we see in the TVcommercial..HARI SADU,H means...
Growth Strategy:
The great ones have said, “Once your mind stops growing, you are dead”. Thus, learning has to be constant. Be it by observing people or reading books. Not only just that by attending workshops, seminars, discussions and meeting new people have added to my strength.
Advice For New Professionals:
Initial years are foundation for one’s growth. He/she should welcome every task and accept as challenge, after all every new assignment is a new experience and one should gather the knowledge with both hands. And above all, just enjoy your work, if you don’t, nothing can be learned or achieved.
The Journey So Far:
These years have been eventful. But fortunately for me no major flip-flow happened. Whatever challenges cropped in I have gracefully accepted and overcame a winner. Like they say, in challenges you meet opportunities, I am ready to explore them. Rest, it has been a flow with the life.
Role Model:
To me, my mother is the greatest example I can refer. Whenever I am in crisis, I try and think what my mother would have done in this situation. Being a working mother is tough and I draw inspiration from her. Honestly, being a woman is a different feeling…I am proud to born a woman.
Working Life Management:
By being punctual, working smart, staying calm, dividing work-time in small segments and by carrying a happy and a positive approach always. Impossible is nothing.
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