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Advice Request
Manish Gupta
Manish Gupta

Manish Gupta


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Favorite subject
Not a particular because I am much more interested in programming and testing.
still I like oracle9i and system design and specially optimization of data that's the only reason its my favorite and strongest subject. I am working on different versions of oracle from 7years.
Most proud accomplishment
my working capabilities in any environment. I can work in any condition and any kind of task I can perform. Still I don't have any industrial experience but its for sure that I am much capable of doing any task.
Career Expectations
Well as per my opinion there are lots of changes are required in my field of study. At present we are following a particular study pattern and syllabus which need to be updated because IT industry is growing rapidly. currently we far far away from current trend and technologies is term of study.
View s for better India
Development of India can only be possible by organizing some kind of extra activities take place during the study sessions for students by the companies and education system and participation of each student should be compulsory. Main approach of study should be practical.
About Myself
I am Manish Gupta and pursuing MCA from Jaipur National University, Jaipur and from a business class family. I am a person with artistic bent of mind with practical approach, always try do to something extra and different,initiative, dominating person. Sometimes bit high temper but never showoff.
Time Management
My studies on highest priority and then rest other activities according to time required to complete them.
Most influenced factor
truly saying no one because there was no one to support me when I selected Computer sciences as my study area. Self motivated.
Spare time activities
I like to photography, cooking, traveling around with friends. Specially all depends on the climate when its quite good then hang out with friends and family and if not then prefer to stay at home and learning different ways and techniques of photography and camera.
Challenges facing by students
To deal with all-rounder faculties. yes there are not much specialized faculties specially in computer science department just because of this students are not able to clear their doubts during the session and also there is no industrial environment for studies which can help students during placements.
My uniqueness
My dominating nature and practical approach.
Family Background
Completely from business family except my father. He is in government job. All are well educated and well settled.
Most flourishing college experience
its 2year of bachelors i.e. BCA. During this session we launched first news letter of computer science in history of our collage. We also organized many other technical as well as non technical events without any help of collage community and management.
First Job Expectation
working environment, company reputation, and most important salary.
Favorite Books and Articles
It was by Napoleon Hill and title is "Grow rich! with peace of mind". and I learn the concept and benefits mind control. Now it helps me to keep me calm in in situation whether its negative or positive, just keep yourself calm and then just see how things changes.
Additional information
You already shares lots of information's and articles with us so I don't think to share more.
Thank you
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