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Advice Request
Luvita Burgess
Luvita Burgess

Luvita Burgess

Senior Software Engineer


Plans For The Future:
The best leader, best mentor, best technical person in a software industry.
Growth Strategy:
Work hard, encourage and help new comers to develop their skills, be a active team player, ensure team cooperation, a never give up attitude, and give it my best of all..
Involvement in the Industry
1) The top 2 accomplishment is writing 5000 Lines of code in assembly 8086 language, as a fresher. It was not an easy job, and we pushed our self to the max to accomplish it. 2) Countless bugs which takes away your sleep and keeps you mind fully occupied, were found in time and fixed.
Done Differently:
1) I have no issue to start my career all over again. 1)1st is to learn the basics in whatever new I learn. I strongly believe a strong foundation is the best path to success 2) Apply the knowledge from my previous experience 3) Develop lots of patience with work and team.
Professional Strengths:
1. Good designer and reviewer. I double ensure that the code is readable and expandable.
2. Quick bug finder. I have solved countless bugs in my experience. This has also enabled be to become highly conscious while designing the code.
Career Profile:
1) In my current role, I work on GSM/GPRS mobile technology, layer 3 protocol stack for ALU, developed in C and telecommunication language CHILL (CHILL is similar to ADA). We do development and lots of maintenance.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Only change I see is that the fresh out from colleges seems more competitive, smarter in their work and attitude. Other than that I don't see much changes in my professional environment.
Family Background
I am an Indian (from a Anglo-Indian family). Born in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. My mother tongue is English. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. We were running a primary school in Thanjavur as part of our family business. I got married in 2011 and my husband is an Indian born Australian citizen.
The Journey So Far:
I joined as a fresher in Wipro Technology in Telecom business sector, which was the best of my career. I worked for Alcatel-Lucent client in China. Later, on I was hired by my client directly and now working in Shanghai, China. I work on GSM mobile technology, C and CHILL language.
Working Life Management:
Good question. When I joined as fresher I worked 14-15 hours a day, thinking that working harder and longer I can become more competitive. But, the day I started working 8-9 hours, health wise I felt good and work wise I saw a better output. Work shorter hours and work harder during that hours
Job Profile:
I am a developer in C and CHILL language. I do development(design, coding, testing) and maintenance where maintenance is the longest and hardest . In Wipro, I need to report to my team leader as well as the client. When I joined the client directly, I had to report only to my manager and no clients.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I have made my presence known in the project, I worked. I can proudly say I've been an asset to my company and my project.
Required Reading:
1. Let Us C by Yashawant Kanetker 2) Deep C Secrets. I love C. Keep your C strong, its a gateway to other programming language.
Role Model:
My grandmother is my role model. She raised 4 grandchildren after her sons early death (my father). She gave us everything we need, food, the best education, comfortable life. She is a single, strongest, the most intelligent woman I have ever seen.
Advice For New Professionals:
My personal opinion is your hard work, your team work and your never give up attitude is what that makes your career shine. Get your hands dirty. Don't just wait for training, teaching and spoon feeding.
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