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Advice Request
Jaswant Singh Dahiya
Jaswant Singh Dahiya

Jaswant Singh Dahiya

Computer Teacher in Govt. School


Future of Indian Education System
there is lots of technical changes in the field of education. now the technology information nd education play a vital role in the education..
Outlook about increase students’ participation
students can play a very big role in the development..we can use the online participation of students through the web portals nd we can use their opinion nd reviews nd can encourage them to develop the nation
Way to motivate Students
the students have the lots of interest in the study of computer nd i use the live nd social examples to motivate them to build their bright career in computer field nd industry.
Favorite Non-Academic books
i can visit the lots of social websites nd read about technology development nd their importance in the daily life..
Strongest Subject
always computers nd information technology. bcz it plays big role in today life changes nd development
Unique way of teaching
there is a big need to give the sources nd funds in education bcz our future is depend on it nd we cant give the quality education without teacher learning material nd audio video aids..
My priorities
i olways available for my students bcz i appointed for them nd olways responsible nd honest with my duty..
Most Rewarding Moment
i have not any rewarding experience but i give my best to teach computer in the area where the students dont known even a single word of this field..
About Me
i am graduate from punjabi university patiala nd passed my masters digree from punjab technical university Jalandhar. i teach from last three years in a govt. school..
Important Lesson
ya i learn lots of things from my three or four year service like never complaint anything and try to solve every problem on your behalf otherwise u precious time gone nd u dnt get anything..
Most Challenges facing by students
i think they dont have the studying environment nd there is not any suppprt from their family due to poverty nd lack of food nd education..
My inspiring personality
Shaheed Bhagat Singh is my role model nd always inspired me to do everything for ur country..
My Advice
i think i dnt have any right to advice them but must tell them that allways honest to your duty nd never give up..
Family Background
i am from a middle class punjabi family nd belive to do everything at its own.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
ya the selection of responsible nd qualifying teachers nd provide sufficient resources..
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