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Advice Request
Bhaskar Raju Konduru
Bhaskar Raju Konduru

Bhaskar Raju Konduru

Lead Engineer

Pilani Soft Labs(


Bhaskar Raju Konduru is a member of:

Family Background
My family is of agricultural background. We are from a village close to Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh. I am married and have an year old kid.My wife (Lakshmi Prasanna) is home maker and I have younger brother(Mahesh Kumar Raju Konduru).He is s/w professional working for Hydus Technologies.
Contribution to the field
I am working for Pilani Soft Labs( as Lead Engineer in Platform and Tools team . I've been part of nearly all teams in redBus. Currently I'm working on Cloud, Big Data, RBAC etc.
Advice for upcoming professionals
Be sharp in whatever technology you work on. Be outgoing,attend as many technical events as possible. Learn from people smarter than you .Be updated on the recent technologies and love what you do.
Work life Management
Come to office on time, minimize distractions,take advantage of the flexibility given in the office. I feel 8 hours are more than sufficient to complete any work as a human can have a maximum of 6 hours of concentration.
Current Role
Take care of the whole architecture on which all our products are based out of be it Database management, Server management using AWS, public caching services, public data storage using bigdata, etc.
Changes in professional environment
The company has been growing rapidly . We have established at least some defined processes. One team is now divided to 6 different team with different managers. We have upgraded from use of desktop to laptops :)
Your role model
Charan Padmaraju. He is the CTO and co-founder of redbus. Working with him gave me all the tips and tricks on how to work in a very dynamic environment. He taught me how to accept challenges by throwing harder and harder technical challenges at me.
Your success mantra
Not there yet, still lot more to learn :)
Opportunity to start your Career again
I will learn more, analyze more and then go to implementation.
The Most Important Game
When you are a part of startup, you tend to innovate. And when you do that, you tend to be whacky. There are many instances when I spent days together in the office. I was often associated as the guy with the toothbrush in the office. But perhaps the wackiest thing, work all nights long on redbulls.
Effective decision
Joining a start up, not ending up with a big corporate job.
My Vision
In a Start up of course :)
Areas for the Future
Java,J2EE,Open source , Scale , Cloud and Big Data
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
Attended a lot of technical events like barcamp, weekend meetups, GDG, etc. Gathered a lot of new information from senior folks as well as internet.
Advice for Additional Certifications
If you are strong with what you are doing certifications don't matter.
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