US Indian Doctor Surendra Varma Appointed to key U.S. Medical Board

Wednesday, 06 June 2012, 21:37 IST
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Houston: A prominent Indian-American doctor has been appointed to a key body of medical professionals in Texas.

Texas governor Rick Perry appointed Surendra Varma of Lubbock, Texas, and Robert Hootkins of Austin to the Texas Medical Board District Review Committees Three and Four.

Committee members evaluate medical practice or professional competency and make recommendations on investigations conducted by the board.

Varma is associate dean of Graduate Medical Education and Resident Affairs at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Centre (TTUHSC).

He is also the Ted Hartman Endowed Chair in Medical Education and vice-chair of Pediatrics at TTUHSC School of Medicine.

He has been appointed to the District Three review committee for a term to expire January 15, 2018.

Source: PTI