Obama Campaign Attacks Romney on Outsourcing to India

Tuesday, 05 June 2012, 21:49 IST   |    4 Comments
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New York: The Obama Campaign launched an advertisement blitz against Republican rival Mitt Romney accusing him of a dismal economic record and outsourcing jobs to India as the Governor of Massachusetts, contrary to the US President's stand during his maiden visit to New Delhi.

"Instead of hiring workers from his own State, Romney outsourced call centre jobs to India," the 1.02 minute advertisement alleges with visuals of call centres in India in the background.

The "Heard it Before" ad is now airing in nine States of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

The ad highlights Romney's alleged failed economic record as Governor of Massachusetts -- and how he wants to bring that same economic philosophy to the White House.

"When running for Governor, Romney promised more jobs, less debt and smaller government. Once in office, he fell short on those promises and more, Massachusetts plummeted to 47th out of 50 in job creation, taxpayers were left with more debt per person than in any other state, and the size of government increased," the Obama Campaign alleged.

"Now that he's running for President, we're hearing the same empty promises. And America can't afford the same results. The bottom line is simple, Romney Economics didn't work then, and it won't work now," it said.

The Indian IT software and services companies get about 60 per cent of their revenues from the US market, as American firms outsource their back office jobs to India and other countries to cut cost.

On his trip to India in 2010, Barack Obama had said, "...when I go back to the US, a part of the reason that I advertised these 50,000 jobs is I want to be able to say to the American people when they ask me why are you spending time with India when they are taking our jobs."

Source: PTI