Indian American Filmmaker Releases Film Online with SRK's Support

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 22:01 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Shailja Gupta, an independent filmmaker based in New York has launched her debut film ‘Walkaway’, online for audience in India. This Indian American light-comedy drama is all about the social responsibilities young Indian professionals living in New York City have to go through.

Gupta is also the head of Red Chilies Entertainment (Shah Rukh Khan`s production company) in the U.S. She says that Shah Rukh supported her with the production and release of the movie."Shah Rukh Khan has been a major factor that has helped me realize my dream into reality," said Shailja.

Shah Rukh said, "It’s a lovely movie and is straight from the heart. I would love for all of you to watch it and enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed viewing it."

Shailaja has gone through different phases for the film over the last two years, from conception and fund raising to marketing and release."I have grown as much as a professional with this movie. While the two-year journey has not been easy, the whole hearted support of the industry has been very encouraging.

"My unique method of launching this movie in the country might just inspire more independent filmmakers who get tired running after distributors. To release their movies online is a more viable option to showcase their art," Shailja said.

Manu Narayan, Samrat Chakrabarty, Manish Dayal, Saniv Jhaveri, Deepti Gupta, Carrie Anne James, Pallavi Sharda and Ami Sheth play the prominent roles in the film.

The film has started to get excellent feedback from the international press, according to The New York Times the film is "A little Bollywood, a lot American Indie", while Newsday said "filmmaker Shailja Gupta has a sure hand and eye."