India Likely to Help Woman Facing Deportation in U.S.

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 21 May 2012, 22:54 IST
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Bangalore: The Government of India is likely to extend helping hand to Kairi Shepherd, who was recently rejected for residency claim in the U.S by a local court and is facing deportation to India, reports Chetan Chauhan of Hindustan Times.

Kairi was earlier caught forging checks so as to make money for buying drugs and as per the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act she is now sent back to her native.

The ministry of external affairs has contacted the Indian embassy in Washington for further details regarding the case.  ‘’We have sought additional information in the case’’, said an external affairs ministry official.

Kairi, who is presently hiding in the U.S., does not have any relatives in India to look after her and she is worried that the immigration authorities will send her to India against her will. Moreover, she is a victim of multiple sclerosis.

Even though Kairi has been a resident of America for 30 years, the government there has refused to accept her and now her only hope is that India will come up with a solution for this problem. She does not have any acquaintances in India and says that "I have no documents to trace my Indian parents.’’

Kairi was adopted by Erlene Shepherd when she was 3 months old from an Indian orphanage and she did not have US citizenship when Erlene died after 8 years of adoption.