Goan Music Band Denied Visa for U.S.

Thursday, 05 July 2012, 18:51 IST
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Panaji: A renowned Goan music band, invited to perform at a convention in the US, has been denied visa by the US authorities.

'Buyao Theatres Goem' was invited to perform at the North American Goan Convention to be held in Detroit from July 6 to 8. The event has been organised by the Goan Organisation of America (GOA).

Siddhanath Buyao, renowned music composer and a prominent member of the band, today told PTI that their visa application has been rejected by the US Consulate in Mumbai.

 Buyao was planning to perform at the convention with iconic Konkani singer Lorna Cordeiro, who has more than 50 popular Konkani songs to her credit.

"The reason given by the Consulate authorities was that `the Applicants could not satisfy the interviewing officer that they will depart the United States at the end of their temporary stay and they could not demonstrate strong social, economic and/or familial ties outside the United States,'" Buyao said.

According to him, there is no question of the band members staying back in the US since the group was to visit America only for a musical performance.

In the past, Buyao and Lorna have performed in Canada, UK, France, Holland and West Asia.

The Goan artists were invited at the convention for the first time. Accordingly, the organisers had petitioned the U S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on May 17 for visa under P3 category (for performing artists), Buyao said.

USCIS issued a clearance notice on May 30 after going through credentials of the group members. Subsequently, the band members filed for P3 visa at the US Consulate in Mumbai, but their application was rejected, he said.

Buyao said while rejecting the application, the Consul Officer did not give any opportunity to the band members to explain their side on the issues raised by him.

Source: PTI