Bobby Jindal Refuses to Implement Obamacare

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 03 July 2012, 21:28 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana and possible vice-presidential running mate of Mitt Romney has turned out to be the most prominent critic of Obamacare (formally known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).

Jindal is not ready to implement the health care reforms in his state and according to him the act is “blow to our freedoms” which the president has “forced on us.”The Supreme Court has decided to uphold the law, but Jindal says that the court’s decision does not mean that all are supporting the landmark legislation by the President.

“It really raises the question of what’s next, what’s allowable… Taxes on people who refuse to eat tofu or refuse to drive a Chevy Volt…this whole ruling I think is ridiculous. It’s a huge expansion of federal power,” said Jindal.

Obama Care is a national health care plan which makes it compulsory for individuals to maintain minimal essential health insurance coverage; otherwise they will have to pay penalty.

Jindal says that he is ready to take whatever measures are needed to fight against this law, along with others who are against the reforms. He also added that, "Elections have consequences. Elections do, in fact, matter. This one matters a lot. We are not going to start implementing Obamacare. We are committed to working to elect Gov. Romney to repeal Obamacare,”

Jindal is the first Indian American to hold the position of a Governor in the United States and one of the most powerful politicians in the whole of America. This Republican politician was elected to the post of Governor In the year 2007 and later on in 2011 he was re-elected to serve the same position.