9-Year-Old Indian American Boy Working on His College Degree

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 09 July 2012, 22:36 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore: Tanishq Abraham, a nine-year-old Indian American boy is already working on earning his college degree at the American River College in Sacramento, California.

He is the youngest student who got admission at American River College, at the age of 7 and  is now studying with people who are twice his age. Sometimes, he even takes lessons for his classmates on subjects like paleontology and astronomy!

“I like particle physics and contemplating the fate of the universe,” the Daily Mail quoted him as telling the Digital Journal.

Tanishq got membership in Mensa (largest and oldest high IQ society in the world) when he was just four, where he achieved a percent of 99.9 on a standardized intelligence test.

His father is a software engineer and mother is doctor of veterinary medicine. “A typical comment is that we are really pushing him,” says his father. ‘He’s pushing us,’ he insists.

“People think we want all these things, but it’s his passion. This is what he loves,” his mother added.

“He’s a real asset,” says Stephen Sterling, Professor of Geology at American River College. “He’s the top student. The students love him and look up to him because they respect him as their peer,” he said.

His ambition in life is to become a scientist or President, ‘I really want to be a scientist or a president. President of the United States,’ he told the Digital Journal. ‘I’ll make the United States more healthy for us and more efficient,’

Apart from being extraordinarily brilliant at academics, Abraham is a gymnastics player, pianist and singer.