10 Indian Americans Who Made Headlines in 2012

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 04 July 2012, 23:57 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore:Indian Americans have always been a topic for discussion for their outstanding contributions in diverse fields, which have made them a source of inspiration to the younger generation to achieve heights .But, off late some Indian Americans have been in the news for all the wrong reasons and made it to the front page of prominent newspapers for months. Here is a list of some Indian Americans who made headlines in the current year-

10. Vikram Pandit

Vikram Pandit, the Indian American CEO of Citigroup along with its directors was sued by Stanley Moskal, a shareholder of the bank, blaming them of paying a compensation package of more than $54 million to its top executives, during the year 2011.

Stanley accused Pandit and the directors of the group for violation of duty, in a lawsuit filed in Manhattan in the month of April, this year. The compensation pay of $54 million included an amount of $15 million to Pandit, which according to the suit "represented a raise of 1,499,999,900 per cent over his 2010 compensation", in a year when the bank's share price fell 44 per cent.


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