Zuckerberg's Biggest Hidden Talent: Firing People

Bangalore: Steve Wozniak, Apple co-founder last day said about mark Zuckerberg as a perfect combination of technical abilities and business acumen. Reading that, one is likely to conclude it as the reason for Facebook’s phenomenal success. But mark has another hidden talent that is rather important for the growth of any organization- His ability to let go of employees who do not suit the company.

Many would argue that being able to fire people is not a virtue. Think again. Would you like your flight to be flown by a below average pilot? Or would you like it if a not so good chef cooked your expensive meal? An employee should remain in a company only if his presence makes a positive contribution. That is where Mark is very good at: Analyzing who needs to go and when.

1. When Facebook was created in 2004, Sean Parker was made president. He took Facebook to new heights by raising the company’s first rounds of outside capital. He also helped solidify Mark’s position in Facebook. It would not be unfair to say that Facebook become more than a dorm room project because of Parker’s vision.

It is popular belief that mark Zuckerberg fired Parker following a drug related felony committed by the former. What most people do not know is that Mark did not want to let go of parker. It was because of Facebook's first investor, Peter Thiel who convinced Parker it was best for Facebook and him to part ways.

Read on to know how Zuckerberg fired the COO and then met "a blessing from the god"