Underperforming Techies: Blame Long Work Hours

Underperforming Techies: Blame Long Work Hours

Bangalore: In today’s work environment, a common notion among techies and their bosses is “he who works latest works best”. But they are not able to realize that this is poorly affecting the health, happiness and even productivity of the employees.

In a survey, it was found that about 50% of the techies consumed over 2500 calories in a day, which is way more than what is recommended by the Department of Health.

The sole reason for techies eating too much is their prolonged work hours. They work late at night and in an attempt to keep themselves awake, they engage themselves in eating. In a study, scientists found that 56% IT workers suffer from insomnia. They were found to have a poorer quality of life and poor mental and physical health. The Sleep Foundation reports that insomnia may lead to work-related injuries, moodiness and accelerated aging.

The survey found that majority of the techies get only 6 hours of sleep each night. It also disclosed that IT people enjoy downtime for only 6.9 hours in a week. Long working hours are the most common complaint by techies who demand to bring back the 40 hour-week tradition.

A researcher from UC Berkeley says "When you're sleep-deprived, you might not make appropriate food choices.” And this adds on the depriving health of the techies who survive mostly on pizzas and doughnuts.

However, there are some among those techies who on an average spend 36 minutes a day exercising and 75% rated themselves above fitness. Still the question arises that does a job in IT worsen your health?