Technology That Would Make Us Immortal

Bangalore: Death is the most painful truth of life. Has technology reached a stage where it can prevent us from the inevitable? Can it ever answer the ultimate question of life and death? These are the questions that scientists and technologists are trying their best to answer.

Theories proposed by innovators related to nano-science and artificial cell multiplication; suggest to a great extent that they can induce immortality in humans. Undoubtedly this is very hard to believe but no one ever knows where technology can actually take. What we think impossible now, can actually be feasible tomorrow.

Let us take tour of all the alluring possibilities that might prevent death.

1.Nano Technology

 What will it do? Repair Cells

With the mention of Nano technology we tend to think of all those miniature robots crawling around. Medical science has proved that irreversible dead cells are the prime reason of ageing and natural death. Futurist Ray Kurzweil proposes that by 2050 science will be able to inject nano bots into our body through the blood stream that would repair the dying cells. This could be used even in case of injuries or excessive blood loss to regenerate the lost organs.