Mozilla Building an Extreme Alternative to Android and iOS

Mozilla Building an Extreme Alternative to Android and iOS

Bangalore: For people who want to run all the applications under one roof- the web, Mozilla is building a new platform, exclusively based on the industry standard HTML5.

Mozilla will release the first open web device in association with Telefonica, the third largest carrier in the world.

The product will be based on Mozilla’s Boot to Gecko project, which focuses on making HTML5 as the standard platform for mobile devices.

“In a joint press conference, Telefonica revealed their intention to work with us to deliver the very first open Web devices in 2012. These devices, architected entirely on the Web and built based on an HTML5 stack with powerful Web APIs will mean significant advances in speed and cost reduction for mobile devices in the future,” Mozilla said in a post.

Many other companies including Deutsche Telekom, Adobe and Qualcomm are supporting Mozilla in building the open web platform. The company will also preview the open web apps and Mozilla marketplace this week, which will enable the creation and distribution of applications powered by HTML5, JavaScript and CSS, the open web standards.

Google is currently the leading developer of open source mobile operating system, the Android. HP also recently announced its plans on releasing WebOS as an open source platform. But with it’s completely web based platform for mobile, Mozilla is planning to do something bigger than what it did to computer with its Firefox.