Most Admired Tech Companies

Bangalore: ‘Globalization is forcing companies to do things in new ways’ says Bill Gates, but the result is already here for us to see today. Large scale influence of products, technologies, modernization of already existing ideas, has revolutionized the world beyond recognition and technology companies across the world have played their role to their fullest in making this happen.

But some of them remain the most admired tech companies. Fortune Magazine has yet again compiled a list of 50 most admired companies in different sectors (a survey which is based on answers to innovation-related survey questions asked to executives of global corporations), twelve technology companies below have been able drive home the message of ‘Technology at Its Best’ and help them get counted within top and Apple is the runaway winner, winning the title fourth time in a row.

1. Company: Apple

Rank: 1

Overall score: 8.16

CEO: Tim Cook

Apple's core competence in delivering exceptional experience and its sensational products like yet-to-be-launched-most-hyped- iPhone 4 have always set the bar for other tech companies to tow in line for the most coveted prize to be the best. Apple’s worth of more than $500billion in market caps and its continuous efforts in giving something new and unique to the end users has shot it to the top slot of the most admired.

2. Company: Google

Rank: 2

Overall score: 8.22

CEO: Eric Schmidt

Google- the most favored search engine stands right next to Apple, in being the most admired company. The company is also the favorite for its free open source operating systems-Android and the company states that it activates devices loaded with its Android operating system at a rate of over 10 million every month. Theme related Google Doodles has got the users in close proximity with the search engine which might be one of the reasons for it to be second most admired.