Know How Tech Is Flipping College Life

Bangalore: You might have referred hundreds of text books and dictionaries throughout your academic years. But if you visit any college or universities now, don’t be surprised to see people walking around with barely anything in their hands than a Smartphone or a tablet. It will be hard to find a single person carrying a text book or pen around.

Don’t wonder, they have become history. Ereaders and netbooks rule the campus now, which is filled with students, who are more tech savvy than ever.

73 percent of student respondents to a survey conducted by Presta Electronics admit that they can’t study without technology. Seven out of ten take notes on keyboards instead of paper and 38 percent of them can’t go more than 10 minutes without checking their Smartphone or other device.

If you want to know how technology changed the college? Just look at the infographic below, from Presta.  

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