July 9 Could Be The Internet Doomsday

Bangalore: The warnings splashed across Facebook and Google, notices sent by Internet Service Providers and a special website set up by FBI are recurrently alerting the users that the Internet is facing a major crisis due to some unknown malware.

Latest news say that unless the users in America have their computer checked soon for malware, which might have taken over their systems months ago, thousands of them will lose their Internet service on July 9.

It is unfortunate that people have hardly noticed the repeated alarms and by now more than 277,000 computers might have been infected around the world, up to 64,000 being in United States alone.

Earlier international hackers had come up with an online advertising scam wanting to take control of more than 570,000 infected computers worldwide. Later the FBI agents tracked out these hackers. And only then they could find out that if ever they try to turn off the servers, which were being used to control the computers, all the victims would have to suffer as they would lose their internet access.

It was at this time that FBI set up a website bringing in a private company to install two clean internet servers to take over those wicked servers. This temporary system, which would be shut down at 12:01 am EDT on July 9, would spare people from losing their internet service.

Even though the corrupted servers might have slowed down the Web surfing or disabled the antivirus software, it is too difficult for the people to identify that their systems are affected.

The website launched by the FBI, http://www.dcwg.org, would also help people to check whether their computers are infected.

 An FBI Supervisory Special Agent, Tom Grasso noted that many of the companies providing internet service, such as Comcast, have come to the fore front to help their customers fight against the crisis. He also requested to other companies, who have not yet come forward to face the trouble, to present ample technical solutions before their customers.