India's Anti-Trust Probe against Google

Bangalore: Google has yet again managed to slip into the dirty pit of antitrust probe after Chennai based Consim Info that runs the match-making site, filed a case against the largest search engine provider of the world. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is reviewing the allegation filed in February blaming Google for having abused its dominance by engaging in discriminatory and retaliatory practices relating to AdWords.

Google has supposedly been allowing Consim’s competitors to use the Consim-trademarked keywords to come up in Google search results. Consim says that this is very unethical and Google must act upon it and prohibit such foul-play.

AdWords, which is Google’s advertising product and its main source of revenue, has been accused several times for foul-play. American Blind and Wallpaper Company and RescueCom Corp. have earlier stated that Google had been using AdWords to harm their business by infringing trademarks and tampering the keyword suggestion tool. A click fraud lawsuit in 2006 against AdWords had forced Google to shell $90 Million for settlement.

“We have initiated investigation against Google and the report is expected to be ready in three or four months,” said Ashok Chawla, chairperson, CCI to Hindustan Times, ascertaining they have strong grounds to sue Google. Meanwhile, Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) has announced that they will be lodging a formal lawsuit against Google with the anti-trust body of India claiming that the company has been acting discriminatory against Consim by mishandling the keywork allocation in its advertising product. “Though we have sent a preliminary investigation report to CCI, we would be filing a formal complaint against Google by next week,” said Pradeep S Mehta, secretary general, CUTS.

Next: Google's anti-trust rifts with other comapanies