Google CEO's Absence Causes Concern

Google CEO's Absence Causes Concern
London: Google CEO Larry Page was again absent from a company meeting that raised concerns about his health and how it will affect the internet giant, a media report said. Page missed the company's quarterly earnings conference call Thursday. He has also not been at any of Google's public events in the last month and skipped the annual stockholders meeting, the Daily Mail reported. The company only said he has been advised not to use his voice but insist he continues to run the company. Sources at the company told the Daily Mail it was not a serious health issue and that due to chronically weak vocal cords, Page has been told not to talk in order to recuperate fully. Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora said: "Larry has lost his voice, and we said that means he cannot do any public speaking engagements at the time." "But he's here and continues to run the company and is involved in any strategic decisions we're making," he said. Page was last seen at a press conference at the company's headquarters in New York May 2
Source: IANS