Google Blocks Web's Biggest YouTube Converter Site

Bangalore: Well, if you are one among the 1.3 million daily visitors to the website, you might no longer get the services from it and the website owners even put up a request to the users saying “we need your help, it’s important.”

The dilemma was caused by Google, when it found that the accused website pulls in around 1.3 million visitors every day, extracts MP3 audio from YouTube videos and makes it available for users to download. Google’s lawyers say this must stop within seven days or else, the company will face a lawsuit.

Google has just blocked all of YouTube-mp3′s servers from accessing YouTube. Currently the site has no MP3 download service to offer. Furthermore, Cohen warns the site to comply with terms and conditions within 7 days or else face the lawsuit.

YouTube of course, is the biggest online reservoir of free videos and music. The website offers its API through which developers can access certain features. But Google is not impressed with what YouTube-mp3 did using YouTube’s API. What it did was simple- users have to feed the URL of the YouTube video into the site and minutes later, the site come up with a stand-alone Mp3 file that can be used.

Harris Cohen, Associate Product Counsel at YouTube makes the company’s part clear: “We insist that offering any kind of service that allows YouTube content to be downloaded is prohibited. Furthermore, separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API is forbidden, as is externally storing copies of YouTube content.”