Google & Microsoft's Strategy to be the Rulers in Technology: Imitate Apple

Bangalore:  A research by IDC states that by 2016, iPad and iPad-Mini will still control over 60% of the market. Google and Microsoft have been desperately trying to gain the market share. And in an attempt to that, what they are doing is imitating Apple. Microsoft entering into the tablet with Surface and Google launching Nexus is a clear indication of that. Not admitting to this strategy change, they say it is adapting to market and giving consumers something they hadn't seen before.

Google’s Android is omnipresent but not performing well on tablets. Applications designed for Smartphone perform poorly on tablets. So, fearing that it will lose the market share which according to Gartner will be 665 million units of tablets in 2016, Google partnered with Taiwanese company Asus and entered into the tablet market with Nexus.

Microsoft is losing as the market for PCs and laptops is weakening with the growth of tablets, mostly running on Google’s Android. Adding to the woes was the delay of Windows 7 to enter.  So Microsoft came with a solution to do a hardware/software combo which they named ‘Surface’ which will run on Microsoft’s new OS, Windows 8.