Facebook Releases World's "Most Social" Cities

Bangalore: We blame Facebook for eating up our productive hours, we blame it for its poor public performance, but whatever we say, let’s admit it, we are addicted to the social network by all means. With the availability of a number of social apps for Smartphones, the addiction is at all time high. People check-in to the network and always stay connected regardless the place, time or region.

In order to determine the world's most “social” landmarks, Facebook measured the check-ins made into the site in 25 cities worldwide and released a cool infographics.

The infographics showed areas where most number of people logged into or made some activities in the network. Most of them were famous parks, public areas and shopping malls around the world.

Even though India has the second highest number of Facebook users, none of the country’s cities are among the “most social” ones. But Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, the famous house of worship in Delhi is mentioned as one of the hot check-in spot in the country.

The below infographics list the “most social” cities around the world, according to Facebook.