7 Cool Projects From Young Geniuses

Bangalore: Kids always see things differently, in their own way, finding everything possible. They try and attempt evermore while elders give up exhausted. These attempts can end up sometimes in amazing outputs. Children are more likely to adapt to technologies fast. They use new technologies with ease and try to develop their own ideas out of it. Here we list some of such great efforts by kids aged between nine and nineteen.

1. Peaceful Sleep on Air

The idea is from a 19-year-old reddit user mememetatata to sleep on a bed, the hovering bed, fully suspended by air. He made this hovering bed using 10 puck-sized neodymium magnets and wood. This bed is balanced in the air based on the principle of magnetic repulsion, by positioning five magnets on the base and five on the bed which repel each other. He claims that this bed can hold up to 250 pounds and can keep the sleeper stable.