5 Most Igniting Quotes About Being A Woman In Tech From New Yahoo CEO

Bangalore: Marissa Mayer, the newly hired CEO of Yahoo, has already made an impression in the tech world as one of the most powerful women in Silicon Valley.

Mayer, who has master’s degree in artificial intelligence, is a unique figure in technology. She loves fashion, lives in trendy house, obsessed with software usability and is a math-wizard. She blends all her roles and has made herself to grab a respectable title in her career.

It was the years at Stanford University that got her fascinated about the world of technology. She purchased her first computer without even knowing how to switch on the device or how to use a mouse. Gradually she was pulled toward the endless problem-solving that computer science classes offered.

Throughout her tech-career at Google as its first female engineer, Mayer has acquired much experience that is supposed to help her and Yahoo in the coming months

Let’s listen to some wonderful quotes by Mayer, compiled by Huffington Post, sharing her thoughts on being a woman in tech and giving advice to jobseekers.