5 Creepy Technologies That Will Disturb You Soon

Bangalore: We all love technology. The way it makes our lives better, the way it makes our work easier, the unimaginable things it perform and so on. But have you ever thought about how these advanced technologies are invading our lives.

Well, if you never heard about the below listed technologies, keep an eye on them. Because today or tomorrow, they are going to pop up into your “private” life, making others aware everything about where you are, who you're with, what you are looking for to even your feelings.

Environmental Tracking: We Know What You're Doing

Google’s latest patent for targeting the ads involve one interesting technology capable of determining not just where you are but what you are doing based on ambient sounds, temperature, and other environmental conditions.

For example, you might call some service may be Google, and thanks to the sounds of the crowd and an announcer, the service knows you're attending a soccer game on a cool night. Google could then send you a targeted ad, such as a coupon for dinner near the stadium or a deal on sweatshirts at the stand if the weather drops below 60 degrees.

But think, the same technology can be used for ill purpose, it could let others know where you go and what you do when you get there.