11 Most Liked Tech CEOs

Bangalore: Termed nucleus of organizations, CEOs move strongly towards recognition while juggling multiple roles at its best with their witty skills, employee friendly decisions and rewriting rules for competition. They enjoy the responsibility of company image changeovers and sometimes fare extraordinarily well.

So GlassDoor compiled a list of 25 CEOs who were termed the best by their employees, and not so surprisingly 11 Tech CEOs featured in the list, dominating the Top 25. According to Business Insider the list was put together after asking about 280,000 employees whether they approved of their CEOs.

1) Meg Whitman stands at position: 25

Hewlett Packard

Approval rating: 80%

Last year: 67% (Leo Apotheker)

A charismatic leader, Whitman holds high her mantra ‘Customers are Priority’. Called the persuader, she has exuded confidence in renewing focus on HP’s Research & Development division. Still in her first year as CEO in HP, Whitman is refocusing to retain and recommit the firm to the PC business that her predecessor had announced was considering discarding.