10 Development Technologies That Refuse To Die

Bangalore: Technology has a strange irony linked to it. In one hand it keeps on evolving, forcing the people to develop software and hardware for these evolving technologies. On the other hand, the existing codes and projects are so hard to change, making the systems in maintenance mode being slowly rewritten, never replaced.

But, the 10 technologies listed below are here to stay for long. The developers will be using these for at least another decade. Yes, they are built to last.


COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language) is one of the oldest programming languages.  It was existing all over the place, it is still popular and probably always will be. There are millions of lines of COBOL code out there powering banks and insurance companies and other mission-critical systems that handle massive amounts of data. Many of these systems will be in services for decades, may be centuries without replacement.

2. Flash

 Web was completely run with flash, till a couple of years back. It was all over the place and it was literally unable to think about web without flash. And then came HTML5, but even after HTML5’s introduction, Flash is everywhere. There will be existing Flash work out there for ages, and it will be maintained and extended. HTML5 still can’t replace Flash for some things, either.