The Youngest VCs

Fremont: When youths are still in their college trying to figure out what they want to do after receiving their graduation certificate, these young guys carved a niche for themselves in the investment space and became the youngest investors in the history of the VCs.

Alex Banayan

alex banayanAn author, a blogger at, a speaker, Senior Advisor to the President at USC Undergraduate Student Government, and Member of the Business Subcommittee at USC Committee on Curriculum, Alex Banayan, 19, has been appointed as an associate at Alsop-Louie Partners. He is one of the youngest venture capitalists in history.

He will be holding a part-time position with Alsop Louie and participates in the weekly conference call with the Alsop Louie Partners. However, Banayan admits that he does not fit the stereotype of a typical venture capitalist.