Startups That Shut Down Its Operation In The First Quarter Of 2012

Fremont: The first quarter of 2012 witnessed various activities in the startup ecosystem. Several startup companies raised various rounds of funding, few filed for IPO, many got acquired or merged and few were shut down. Below mentioned are few such startups that shut down its operation in the first quarter of 2012.


profounder, startup that shut operation in 2012The ProFounder’s blog stated, “Despite our progress, the current regulatory environment prevents us from pursuing the innovations we feel would be most valuable to our customers, and we have made the decision to shut down the company.”

Founder in August 2009 and officially launched in November 30, 2010, ProFounder was a crowdfunding website that helped entrepreneurs raise capital for their startups. The company secured $1.3 million in seed funding in January 201.