"Opportunities In Indian App Market Must Be Explored To The Fullest", Sunil Maheshwari CEO, Mango Technologies


Bangalore: “An app and its strength can be well understood only by its developer but it is most necessary for him to know the target audience” said CEO and Co-Founder, Mango Technologies while speaking at the Mobile Developers Conference held in Bangalore by Silicon India.

‘We have a vast opportunity; in 2014 there would be 1 billion smart phones in the world providing budding app designers and entrepreneurs a chance to choose his target.’ He insisted upon the target audience the app designers must find, providing them with immense knowledge in carrying out their business. He also explained that ‘cloud storage’ is the current fields that a designer can show case his creativity and idea.

He points out that today the best way to reach out to people is social networking; Facebook and Twitter are places where people publish their reviews and based on that the app becomes a success or a failure. He says continuous market contact is mandatory for a designer to understand the needs of the market. He says “An app should essentially be like a web page but not a web page, providing all information in the most minimal usage or navigation”

He also said that Indian designers and entrepreneurs must be ready to take more risk to explore markets and bring out a revolution. He says that the entrepreneurs must be more powerful and influential to make a mark like the people from the West, he advises the new generation developers to explore and identify opportunities and to bring a change in the monotonous system of Indian app development giving the younger audience more confidence and courage.


‘A designer is a person who beautifully and creatively writes a code hiding the complexity and making it simple on screen’ he also says that ‘A best designer needn’t be a software engineer but a class observer of opportunity.’ Sunil gave the audience a powerful and an eye opening session making them realize the current market conditions and making them realize the necessity of moving on from the comfort zone to a global platform.