Incisive Entrepreneurial Success Tips from Parenting

Bangalore: Although they give a lot of troubles, kids are the most prized possessions of their parents. Feeding them, managing their tantrums and needs and looking after them as they start crawling and toddling around is not just physically but a mentally tiring job and calls for a lot of patience and skill.

In certain contexts, managing kids is very similar to running a startup. What a parent learns everyday while managing the child has a lot of lessons to offer the budding entrepreneurs. Inc. has compiled a set of business lessons that entrepreneurs can inculcate in their blue print to success.

Check out what the newborn and their parents advice the entrepreneurs to get rolling.

1. Be Curious

Many parents are over cautious about their kids and always keep an eye on them, keeping them away from the smallest and most trivial troubles around. But what the experts say is that kids learn about the world around with the virtue of their curiosity and preventing them from using their curious minds is a setback. It is suggested to let them wander about and know about the stuff around by touch, smell and tasting them. Similarly for a startup, the market is a new universe with nothing hidden and everything to explore. So instead of restricting the company to the safe grounds and concerning about the funds, it is prescribed that the leaders let their company get the taste of every possibility of the market in an early stage and learn what is good and what is bad for the enterprise by real time experience.