How a Lot of Technology Could Murder Your Startup

Bangalore: Every time we look around the startup circle and the vast field of budding enterprises, we see the longing and crave for technology. Of course, technology gets the toughest of our work done in a jiffy but over loading the slender shoulders of your newly born company could lead to devastating results.

Though it is impossible for a startup to survive in the market without using any form of technology, filling the company with unnecessary boat load of technology and gadgets is not prescribed at all. An article in reveals how technology could secretly be killing early stage enterprises.

Here is how you need to re-think the use of high tech tools in our startup.

1. Technology spoiling startups

There is only very little that technology can do without the human intervention, at least when you consider a company at an early stage. The use of technology to do the smallest of tasks makes the employees complacent towards the real meaning and objective of their job. And after all how much can technology help you in case the work force of your startup is not competent enough to skillfully use the technology to drive towards the desired results. So what it boils down to is to have skilled employees rather over the top technology which is not used by the workers to the fullest of its efficiency.