Facebook says "Wow" to the Indian Tagtile

Facebook says

Bangalore:  Abheek Anand, a Delhi based techie, who's co-founded company Tagtile got acquired by Facebook, really finds it believable for all his real hard work and proudly says “I'm a Delhi kid, went to the Springdales School and IIT Delhi. Growing up, there was a lot of freedom to do what I wanted to do, to do what I was good at," 

Abheek has inspired many young techies to implement their creative technical abilities. “Tagtile” a company founded by Abheek and Soham Mazumdar simply remained calm and more creative after Facebook took them over. He describes Tag Tile in the simplest way as told to IBN "Tagtile works with any smart phone. Any phone over Rs 6,000 be it Nokia, Android anything. The basic qualification is that it should be able to install an application. If you think about it your phone knows everything about you. Who you are, who your friends and family are, where you live. We simply take that information and connect it to what you buy." 

Facebook took over all the assets of Tagtile in April 2012. It would interest any being to know how the app worked. Tagtile included an audio frequency generator and uses a unique audio frequency fingerprint that is in the range of 14 kHz- 20 kHz, produced by a Transducer. Each business has a unique fingerprint sound pattern assigned and linked to an online web dashboard that shows the analytics from customer usage. This unique sound is picked up by any smart phone, sent to the app and shuttled off to the cloud for a merchant match.  And in a while the purpose is met.

Tagtile has some good memory; it stores genuine information of the customer or a perspective client and lures them often with special offers. Tagtile was used the best by many local entrepreneurs. The afterward part of the takeover is joyful, interesting and thrilling. Abheek and Soham are now appointed as Senior Managers at Facebook. They would probably discuss a lot more with Mark about it over a coffee; Mark definitely looks very impressed with this idea and hence had no second thoughts to buy it.