7 Matchless Fashion Startups

Bangalore: An industry that always has its style – The Fashion Industry, has always been appreciated for introducing various innovative and creative techniques in the world of fashion. The way your stars dress, the way they carry themselves with the outfits they wear which is worth more than the per annum salary of most of us, their shoes, their glasses and everything you find has a designer behind the screen. Fashion industry is witnessing a lot of new startups and new designers. These new startups in this sector is doing good with it great funding for fashion and celebs following them to cover themselves with the best outfit.

Innovative designers gain popularity in just a few steps and this would eventually help them startup their own designer companies, magazines – print and online, fashion shows and many other such fashion tie-ups. Well, it wouldn’t be complete if we forget those little naughty wardrobe malfunctions and the popularity these designers and stars get from it, which is bad but either one of them is benefited.
