6 Hilarious Videos Every Startup Must Watch

Bangalore: Pitching the idea and the presenting what the project is all about is one of the major role players in a startups success. Sometimes, presenters or the entrepreneurs find peculiar ways to amuse the investors and go a bit too much out of the box. Investors might find it cheeky and funny but they are usually far from getting impressed with these funny presentations. Space Chimp media has collected some of the most hilarious startup pitches and VC meeting videos available on the internet that every startup must watch.

Get glued to your seats and check out these 6 funny pitches.

1.Share the Air

Rachel Sequoia proposes to sell the ‘air’ from different places around the world in small jars, as she believes to transfer all the energy from people who exhaled that air to plants, animals and humans in need of some positive spirit. With a kindergarten-like hand drawn presentation, Rachel hopes to pocket a huge chunk of investment for her cute venture.