11 Hilarious Startup-VC Meeting Goof Ups

Bangalore: A meeting with the investors would be the biggest day for any startup. But, some startups have completely goofed up these meetings to forever shut their prime source of capital. Some entrepreneurs have made the listeners go to sleep and some have dressed themselves ridiculously to impress the VCs and failed badly at that. Business insider has collected an array of such funny meetings ever heard of.

Check out the funniest startup investor meetings ever.

1. VP Falls Asleep

Incident: While the entrepreneur was pitching the startup idea to the investors, he was interrupted by the sound of rude snores by his own VP, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Reaction: "It probably goes without saying, the company failed to attract funding from Canaan," says WSJ.com

Lesson: “The CEO kept blazing through his pitch, acting like it wasn’t happening, If there’s an elephant in the room, we should all acknowledge it,” says Canaan’s director of marketing, Gina Vakili.

2. Dressed Like an Avocado

Incident: A lady entrepreneur stepped into the office of New York based VC Steve Brotman, all dressed up like an Avocado.

Reaction:  "I'm not about to do a deal with a lady dressed like an avocado," said Brotman.

Lesson: "Don't let your product influence how you dress. VCs don't enjoy gimmicks," SaysReadwriteweb.