10 Great Mentors of Great Entrepreneurs

Bangalore: Mentors have a prominent role in the lives of every entrepreneur. A mentor is not somebody who advices you in a party or in a meeting, it is somebody who is always trusted, respected and a true confidante for personal and business matters. Every great entrepreneur is known to have a mentor, Hewlett and Packard, Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey or even Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg.  Read further to know how few famous entrepreneurs grew to become great under the master guidance of their mentors as reported by Business Insider.

Bill Hewlett and David Packard

Mentor:  Frederick Terman – ‘Father of Silicon Valley’

How they met: Stanford University

Frederick Terman was a professor at the Stanford University who mentored Hewlett and Packard during a fellowship program. Under his guidance the duo started their company operations in the Palo Alto garage. Terman had immensely influenced the two and to repay their dear professor, HP donated a new wing to the university which provided an electronic research lab.