10 Best Startup Eco Systems In The World


Bangalore: ‘Markets comes and goes but businesses don’t’, this is a famous saying and has a very sensible meaning to it. Businesses enter in to the market with their splendid business ideas and high confidence rate but the speed of exit can be quicker if certain other features and factors are not dealt with utmost care.

An eco system promises a business confidence to set up its activities. The powerful impact of having a proper work space for business can have an impact on the economic growth of a country. Countries like United States of America, United Kingdom have seen tremendous increase in their GDP, employment rate and sales returns due to their full fledged startup eco system.

A company or a business enters market with no much financial support; it makes the business smooth and a chance for it to establish if external factors including proper physical structure is taken care off. Thereby a different eco system is set or made all together to support new and young startups and to address their concerns. As per a research conducted by Startup Genome, Bangalore and Mumbai can boast their presence in the list of best eco systems in the world. 


10. Moscow, Russia

Moscow is known to have the second largest community of billionaires in the world. It has a vast eco system for business operations and the government has tremendously supported the cause of business in Russia.