What Makes Rahul a Winner and Manmohan a Loser?

Bangalore:  Rahul Gandhi may not be winning elections for the Congress or even bubbling with new ideas to govern the country, but many believe he is still a better choice compared to Manmohan Singh for the Prime Minister’s post. According to a survey conducted by CNN-IBN-GFK, Singh may be one of the few good politicians with a clean image, but he is certainly not an able administrator.

The findings from the survey reveal that, Rahul, despite not having delivered anything great, is still a popular choice among the urban masses.  48 percent of the respondents believe that he should be the next PM and 44 percent feel that he is young, exuberant and brimming with fresh ideas. The survey was conducted in the second week of May and involved 2,000 respondents from across eight cities.

Venky Vembu, in his report to Firstpost says, ‘’in his time in office as Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh has borne many a political slight with great equanimity. From being taunted by BJP leader LK Advani as India’s “weakest Prime Minister” to being dismissed as a political lightweight for not being popularly elected to being the target of much online satire for the thunderous silence he maintains at critical moments on issues of grave national importance, ‘Maunmohan Singh’ has been at the receiving end of the slings and arrows of venomous criticism. And he has responded to all of it with the same inert stoicism that, ironically, validates the caricatures of him as an unemotional – perhaps even borderline robotic – leader.’’