Secret Hideouts of Famous Dictators and Villains

Bangalore: They would have ruled the entire nation with irons fist and created an era of tyranny, which befell a deathblow to the human race, but these rulers at the end were found in places unknown, cooped up in hideouts right under the common mans nose or in enclosures at the heart of the city but under veils that remain anonymous to the world outside.

The secret operations to capture would have involved tracking the whereabouts of these infamous rulers for months or even years after they are on the run and deploying innumerable military operations to have them captured, but did you know that for some of the tyrants death came calling in a very disgraceful manner, either with shower of bullets or being poisoned in the hideouts they had built for themselves from angst of public or the jaws of government justice.

So here is a rundown of the hideouts of four most dreaded tormentors, mankind has known in the recent history.