Most Famous Diamonds in the World

Bangalore: “Diamond...” Dreaming of a diamond wedding ring? Even the boys who are not attracted to any golden chains or any such jewels will also hesitate to say ‘no’ to diamond. More than as a valuable investment, diamonds are considered to bring wealth and luck to the person who holds them. Do you know the world famous history of diamonds binds with Indian history? Yeah, it is thought to have been first recognized and mined in India. The centuries old history of diamond considered to be found along the Indian rivers Godavari, Krishna and Penner.

Well, when you went to jewel shops for diamonds, have you wondered how precisely it is? Then what about the world famous diamonds? Have you heard about some of the famous diamonds that cost billion dollars? Here are they...

Koh-i-Noor /Mountain of Light

This diamond got its name when Nadir Shah (one of the ancient Persian ruler) saw this for the first time. It was the heritage of India from where the history of diamond was emerged dating back to 3000 to 6000 years back. But Koh-i-Noor is dated back to 1304. It has a deep veil mystery in the history. It was mined in India and passed through the hands of many Indian rulers and reached to the hands of Britain as India was colonized by Britain in the 19th Century as it was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850. When it had reached to Britain, it weighed 1986 carats and was re-cut to 108.93 carats. It weighed 105.60 carats now. Today, India’s proud diamond gem of the history decorates the crown of Queen of England.