Maya Spends 86 Crore of Public Money on Her Bungalow

Bangalore: When the country fights poverty and economic insecurity, the BSP leader, a self proclaimed Messiah of Dalits, spent more than 80 crores for the up-gradation and renovation of her 13 Mall Avenue bungalow in the last 5 years.

The Right to Information Act that the present PWD minister Shivpal Yadav filed when he was the opposition leader, brings Mayawati in to criticism now. Mayawati will have to face the music. Mayawati will be in more trouble since she lost power this year that she had been holding since 1995.

As TOI reports, a senior estate department official said "We are still assessing the total cost incurred and indications are that the money spent might even exceed Rs 100 crore," The initial expenditure of Mayawati’s most desired house was 10.31 crore in 2007 and it increased to 31.90 crores by 2009 and since then there has been a steady growth in the amount.

Evidence says that 13 Mall Avenue was identified as speaker’s house in the beginning and it was occupied for a long time by Late Baldev Singh Arya who was the congress minister of 1952 UP assembly. Mayawati has been residing in this house from her first chief minister-ship in 1995. 13 Mall Avenue which was originally 2.5 acres of land now consists of 5 acres of major land in Lucknow. She increased her Bungalow borders first by vacating and demolishing the office of the commissioner of the state sugarcane department. The Bungalow is now secured by 20 feet tall walls built with the sandstones from Rajasthan.