Has Rahul Gandhi Lost His Charisma?

Bangalore: It is no longer about Gandhi family’s magic for congress. The time has come when the people look at what congress party does rather than what Ms Gandhi will do. The midterm election has proved that Gandhis will no longer have the sole say to power.

 Rahul Gandhi’s charisma and impact on people is a matter of question now especially after the recent UP elections. Congress had a huge hope in the UP election since all expected to find success in the election with the appeal of the popular young leader of Gandhi family. Union minister Aswini Kumar at the beginning of the election had said “You cannot take the Gandhi family’s charisma away from them.”

Congress would have never expected such a big defeat in the UP election. Gandhi’s tireless efforts to win the power of the major political state have all become futile. When Rahul’s charisma failed to make any impact, congress’s hope of gaining power after the long  22 years in UP became a distant dream.

After the UP election the notion has spread that the family lineage will no longer work for Rahul. It seems that Gandhi family has lost their impact on the people.

Even the writers like Chetan Bhagat and Ramachandra Guha are of the view that the time has come for the Gandhi family to go. “Clear away the family cobwebs” from congress was the opinion of Chetan Bhagat.  Guha’s view is that the present economic stagnation is the result of “political degradation”; he criticizes “hopeless and apathetic” government on the ruling party’s “beleaguered leaders,” as First Post Politics reported.