6 Religions You Never Knew Existed

Bangalore: Religion has existed since man’s first thought, and it is unlikely to go away anytime soon. You might have come across least a bunch of people belonging to various religions and heard about their practices. Out of the 7 billion people in the world, 77 to 99 percent are believed to follow or have faith in any of the religions.

Listed below is a collection of religions you might never know existed.

Cheondoism- Korea

Cheondoism means "religion of the Heavenly Way." It originated from a peasant rebellion in 1812 and is now the major religion of the country, followed by 12.9% of the total population. The religion is rooted from Korean Shamanism and Budhism with elements from Christianity. It believes that God exists in each of us and that we should all strive to make earth a paradise. Cheondoism attempts to transform the believers into intelligent moral beings with a high social consciousness.